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Creative Management in the Arts and Heritage: A Proposed Action Plan for Creating Winning Conditions

October 17, 200517 October 2005

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This report outlines a range of human resource management problems and issues in Canada’s cultural sector and provides a proposed action plan to address these issues. The 18 recommendations in the action plan aim to sustain and renew cultural management in Canada by bringing human resource issues to the forefront of government policy development and funding, service organizations’ activities and arts organizations’ practices.

The recommendations cover issues ranging from the development of human resource strategies and healthy human resource practices to increased funding for cultural and service organizations. The action plan also outlines recommendations regarding the development of mentorship and internship opportunities, better coordination of capacity-building initiatives, and the development of human resource tools, templates and best practices in the cultural sector.

Given the wide range of human resource problems and issues outlined in the report, it is clear that the goal of sustaining and renewing cultural management in Canada will not be easily achieved.

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